• IPAC
Chelen Johnson

Ms. Chelen Johnson

Chelen Johnson

Breck School, Golden Valley, Minnesota

Grades or community reached

9, 10, 11, 12


Ms. Johnson has been with the program since it was called Spitzer Space Telescope Research Program for Teachers and Students.





  • Listening to Ferdowski talk about his work as a NASA flight director at his young age of 36 sparked some intrigue in many students. How can someone so young be in charge of such a critical object on another planet?

  • Real astronomy involves working as a team to find an answer. The NITARP program provides a unique, real-life experience in real astronomy to the teachers and students involved.

  • Many science teachers begin the year with a discussion of the “scientific method.” Our group modeled just that … Starting with a problem, researching background papers, submitting a research proposal, analyzing authentic data, and drawing conclusions models the scientific process in real life.

  • Of all the professional development programs in which I have been involved, NITARP continues to rank among the top few. The opportunity to work with a world-class astronomer and alongside teachers and students across the country on a real research project is amazing!

  • Of all the professional development programs in which I have been involved, NITARP continues to rank among the top few. The opportunity to work with a world-class astronomer and alongside teachers and students across the country on a real research project is amazing! Watching the project evolve from a seed of an idea in January into a two professional posters presented at the AAS the following January is fulfilling and satisfying. To think that eighteen people can work together over twelve months and thousands of miles is a true reflection of what authentic research is all about.

  • Standing by the poster nearly all day, my three girls described our [research]. To say that I was proud would be a gross understatement.

  • Wednesday was poster day for the Breck group. Standing by the poster nearly all day, my three girls described our search for young stellar objects in the CG4 region of the southern sky. To say that I was proud would be a gross understatement. Talking with Dr. Rob Gutermuth and Dr. J. Serena Kim, our collaborators, my students accurately talked about re-discovering six YSOs and discovering 19 other YSO candidates. Whew. I am still tired thinking about this.

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We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!