• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

Dust Mights/Gorjian

Dust Mights/Gorjian

The Dust Mights team will be searching for Galactic sources in the Spitzer Enhanced Imaging Products catalog which have an excess amount of infrared light and whose distances are known from Gaia observations.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Curtis

    To me what stood out [at my first AAS] was the wide variety of work – from characterization of the structure of the Milky Way (more of a challenge than I ever knew!) to the search for and characterization of exoplanets to the understanding of how quasar evolution relates to the origins of the Universe.

  • Palmer

    NITARP is the most intense and satisfying professional development programs I have participated in.

  • Paulsen

    The middle schoolers [from NITARP 2012] fielded questions from an astronomer from the Keck observatory like old pros -­‐ very professional! I can’t wait to see my students do the same.