• IPAC

AAS - 2012

The Winter American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting is the largest meeting of professional astronomers in the world. NITARP educators attend an AAS first to meet their team, then they go home and work remotely for much of the year, and then attend an AAS to present their results.  At any given AAS, then, we could have two NITARP classes attending - those finishing up, and those getting started. Reload to see a different set of quotes.

The 2011 and 2012 NITARP teams attended the 2012 January AAS meeting in Austin, TX. The 2011 class was presenting results and the 2012 class was starting up. We sent about 60 people to the AAS (the largest delegation to date) and had a grand time. Please see the special article on NITARP at the AAS. We also got a smattering of coverage in local media outlets.


  • I found myself continually challenged by the intellectual level and knowledge being shared.
  • When asked about their future plans, I heard each student describe their college hopes and their plans seemed bigger and more full of promise than I had heard in the past. I believe having the attention of such a distinguished audience raised their expectations of themselves.
  • I was somewhat intimated at the prospect of working with Caltech scientists however I found my first experience one that eased all my trepidations and instilled excitement for the work I will be doing.
  • [student:] Presenting our findings was very confidence boosting actually, as I found I was able to answer almost every question I was asked. It was also very exciting and unique.
  • This year was great! I really felt comfortable making my way around to discuss not only what I teach, but also what my research was about.

AAS - 2012