• IPAC

AAS - 2013

The Winter American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting is the largest meeting of professional astronomers in the world. NITARP educators attend an AAS first to meet their team, then they go home and work remotely for much of the year, and then attend an AAS to present their results.  At any given AAS, then, we could have two NITARP classes attending - those finishing up, and those getting started. Reload to see a different set of quotes.

We were out in force at the AAS 2013 meeting in Long Beach, CA! A record number of NITARP-affiliated people attended, including the 2012 class finishing up and the 2013 class getting going. The 80 or so NITARP-affiliated folks made up about 3% of the AAS attendees.

Special article on AAS attendees!  And don't miss Danielle Miller's blog!


  • [As a result of this experience,] I will definitely be involved in research in college starting my freshman year.
  • [student:] Astronomy involves a lot more than I thought it did. I am now extremely interested in doing research. I think I learned what the scientific process is all about.
  • I am thrilled with the general friendliness of the scientists. I was made to feel at ease as a participant in the program. It is evident that everything is extremely organized and structured in such a way that a participant gets the most possible out of their time at the meeting. There is time to meet previous participants finishing up, new people on the new teams, the scientists, the students, and many other scientists not affiliated with the project. Just being around cutting edge technology and current astronomy projects is mind-blowing.
  • [The] program created a welcoming environment designed to help people learn.
  • This experience absolutely changed the way I look at the world of astronomy because pre-AAS, I never realized how many different fields of astronomy there actually are.

AAS - 2013