• IPAC
John Blackwell

Mr. John Blackwell

John Blackwell

Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire

Grades or community reached

9, 10, 11, 12


Mr. Blackwell first went through the Spitzer Teacher Program in 2007. He rejoined NITARP as a mentor educator in 2011, 2012, and 2013.





  • It has been a pleasure working in the program and with the other educators and students.

  • Some hypotheses do not succeed, even with the best scientific ‘assumptions’ and backgrounds…. I know – it’s not all that surprising really, but it was interesting. I’ve seen this many times before, but it always brings me to my favorite place when “doing” science: now what?

  • Science is hard! ;-) Also, it is worth the work!

  • Astronomers remain focused, polite, caring and thoughtful about the future generations who will take on the study. I think this message alone has huge meaning in my classrooms [...]

  • One of the things I love about astronomy is the very fact that we are not laboratory-bound scientists. Our lab is the universe, a constantly changing petri dish in the sky, so to say, and if you aren’t looking, you miss it!

  • The "new" astronomy has become something we all knew was coming: handling huge chunks of data and learning how to mine this information from sets so large that it is simply mind boggling. The interesting thing is that many people are not aware of this, notably teachers in the trenches.

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We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!