• IPAC
Lynn Powers

Ms. Lynn Powers

Lynn Powers

Bozeman High School, Bozeman, Montana

Grades or community reached

General Public: Museum, General Public: Amateur, 9, 10, 11, 12


Ms. Powers is part of NITARP 2013





  • Our students, over the past few years since I participated in NITARP, have directly benefited from my being accepted into the program. You are a great asset and I appreciate all that you do!

  • I am grateful for NITARP and appreciative for all those that put in the long hours so the program can be as successful as it is. I had heard about the program at a workshop in 2012 and decided to apply since I heard what a great program it is. My experiences have gone way beyond my expectations. Thanks [..] for giving teachers and students the opportunities you do!

  • Through this whole process I’ve learned that astronomy research is about connections. Who you meet, what they do, and how each has a part in a greater picture. Sharing information, connections and discussions.

  • [The most interesting thing during the summer trip was] the change in the students and their growth in confidence. The a-ha moments when the big picture came into focus for them. The tour of
    JPL was fantastic, too.

  • [Astronomy] is a collaboration of many parts working together for a common goal. Not knowing everything but knowing how to find the answers needed and how to ask the questions.

  • I knew that the kids would get a ton out of it, but the connections and opportunities for them is phenomenal. Doing teacher workshops when I’m done will be so much fun. Can’t wait to bring this to the state.

  • Found out that NITARP is bigger and better than I thought it would be.

  • [With respect to names of astronomical objects,] I noticed that most went just by the number or address. I asked one student where it was located and they couldn’t tell me. Quite different than what I’m used to. [As an amateur astronomer,] We call things by name and can find them in the sky.

  • [At the 2012 AAS, I] Enjoyed talking with the 2012 students, before and after their talks. Before they were so nervous and full of anticipation. After, they were so tired, one boy was wearing new shoes and had blisters – don’t wear new shoes!

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We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!