• IPAC
Beth Thomas

Ms. Beth Thomas

Beth Thomas

North Middle School, Great Falls, Montana

Grades or community reached

7, 8


Ms. Thomas has been with the program since the beginning of the Spitzer Space Telescope Research Program for Teachers and Students.





  • Real astronomy involves being able to problem solve and think critically, apply process skills, and communicate effectively.

  • I cannot say enough positives about the NITARP experience for the participating students. They have had the opportunity to learn and grow and see science applied in authentic research projects while working with some of the coolest scientists around! It has allowed me to grow as a teacher and researcher and be able to share my insight and newfound knowledge with students and peers.

  • I extend my appreciation and gratitude to all of those people and organizations who coordinated, funded, and have in any way supported this valuable program. THANK YOU!

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We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!