• IPAC

January-March 2007 updates for Ms. Thomas

Published: March 15, 2007

On March 14, 2007, Ms. Thomas gave a presentation to approximately 20 people at the Central Astronomy Society's monthly meeting. Information was given on the Spitzer Space Telescope itself, current findings, infrared radiation, and her involvement in the Spitzer Teacher Program.

Recently, a proposal which is a continuation of a Spitzer Teacher program project was accepted by Spitzer. Two other Spitzer teachers, Jeff Adkins and Tim Spuck as well as Steve Howell and other Spitzer scientists are also involved. The interacting short period binary WZ Sge, will be observed using IRAC. Previously, four magnetic interacting binaries were observed using Spitzer. WZ Sge is a non-magnetic white dwarf and a brown dwarf companion. It is the closest and brightest interacting binary. The data collected will allow the team to compare the magnetic and non-magnetic binaries. Also, optical data of WZ Sge will be collected at Kitt Peak in the summer of 2007. Spectroscopic data and photometry will be obtained and together will help fully characterize the eclipse and dust in the system. The multi-wavelength data will be used in classrooms.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!