• IPAC
Pamela Thompson

Ms. Pamela Thompson

Pamela Thompson

Monrovia High School, Monrovia, California

Grades or community reached

General Public: Amateur, 9, 10, 11, 12


Ms. Thompson was part of the NITARP 2012 class.





  • I think that the most surprising thing about it was how young everyone was! I absolutely did not expect that, maybe because the amateur community is so much older by comparison, and is mainly composed of retired people.

  • The more I talked with astronomers and support staff at the different booths [at my first AAS], the more I began to realize that being a teacher, and an amateur astronomer, is really very different from being a professional astronomer.

  • The surprising part of our research was the time we spent on communication, and the value of saying something out-loud has to understanding it.

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We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!