North High School, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
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Mr. Keeton was part of the 2011 NITARP class.
Mr. Keeton has been selected as the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Wisconsin Outstanding Earth Science Teacher for 2015! The committee was impressed with, among other things, his ability to engage students in real research. Way to go!!
Both NITARP 2014 teams submitted research proposals. Several NITARP alumni helped review them.
All four main NITARP 2013 teams submitted research proposals. Several NITARP alumni helped review them.
We are officially announcing our 2011 class! Here they all are.
I now have scientific street cred with my students!
This year [at the AAS] was so much different than last year [because of] having a poster to share with others!
The experience I had at the 2012 AAS meeting as well as the entire NITARP experience will change the way I teach astronomy. Having spent 5 days meeting and discussing authentic scietific research with so many people from many different facilities was extremely rejuvinating as an educator.
For me as an educator, it was really rejuvenating to come out here (and bring a student with) and dive into actual astronomical research.
[..]Students who are given the opportunity to do "real science" generally find a greater deal of success when it comes to understanding concepts (and at a deeper level).
They had found similar data to my own indicating that students who are given the opportunity to do "real science" generally find a greater deal of success when it comes to understanding concepts (and at a deeper level). I found this very satisfying.