• IPAC
Adam Keeton

Mr. Adam Keeton

Adam Keeton

North High School, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Grades or community reached

9, 10


Mr. Keeton was part of the 2011 NITARP class.





  • I now have scientific street cred with my students!

  • This year [at the AAS] was so much different than last year [because of] having a poster to share with others!

  • The experience I had at the 2012 AAS meeting as well as the entire NITARP experience will change the way I teach astronomy. Having spent 5 days meeting and discussing authentic scietific research with so many people from many different facilities was extremely rejuvinating as an educator.

  • For me as an educator, it was really rejuvenating to come out here (and bring a student with) and dive into actual astronomical research.

  • [..]Students who are given the opportunity to do "real science" generally find a greater deal of success when it comes to understanding concepts (and at a deeper level).

  • They had found similar data to my own indicating that students who are given the opportunity to do "real science" generally find a greater deal of success when it comes to understanding concepts (and at a deeper level). I found this very satisfying.

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The 2025 NITARP application is now available! Go here for the instructions and here to upload your application. Applications are due by 3pm Pacific time, Friday Sep 13, 2024.