• IPAC
Melissa Booker

Ms. Melissa Booker

Melissa Booker

Robinson Secondary School, Fairfax, Virginia

Grades or community reached

11, 12


Ms. Booker is a NITARP educator in 2013 with the SHIPs team.





  • The idea that exposing teachers to authentic experiences doing real research has a positive trickle-down effect on science education as a whole I think is very well-founded. I know that as I grow in both my content understanding and my experiences with current research, I am better able to expose my students to experiences in which they (1) gain higher levels of data literacy, (2) gain a greater understanding of what astronomers actually do and how they conduct their research, and (3) learn about new science being done in astronomy.

  • NITARP was a great experience for both myself and my students.

  • It was very satisfying to be able to converse with the grad students about their science and actually understand what they were talking about.

  • It was very satisfying to be able to converse with the grad students about their science and actually understand what they were talking about. I felt proud when several of them remarked that they were surprised to learn that the research was undertaken by teachers and their high school students. They were surprised I was a teacher and that my students were “only in high school.” I guess we challenged several of their preconceptions about what teachers can accomplish.

  • I was also surprised [after the summer visit] not to be more tired. Don't get me wrong, I certainly took a five hour nap on Saturday after coming home on the red-eye from LA, but overall the week left me invigorated rather than exhausted.

  • I was surprised [during the summer visit] with the speed with which my students increased their proficiency with the tools we are using -- especially Python programming! My students acted very independently and hardly ever needed me to suggest something for them to do next; many times they were already anticipating the next tasks and trying to figure out how to do it!

  • I am excited to embark on this research and feel lucky to be part of the experience.

  • I was impressed with how poised the [NITARP 2012] students were and how they were able to answer all of my questions. Each of them spoke to how NITARP had been a very positive experience. All of the young women I spoke with talked about wanting to pursue science in college.

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The 2025 NITARP application is now available! Go here for the instructions and here to upload your application. Applications are due by 3pm Pacific time, Friday Sep 13, 2024.