• IPAC


Independent Research 2008

Independent Research 2008

This virtual team collects all independent research presented in 2008, and done by Spitzer alumni with students outside of a formal Spitzer team. Mr. Spuck's students worked on classifying galaxies in the Spitzer observations of the Taurus Molecular Cloud.

Year(s) participated: 2008



Star Formation in Lynds Dark Nebulae: Using Spitzer Space Telescope infrared images to see deep inside clouds of gas (Lynds 981 and Lynds 425), deeper than any prior observations could see, and reveal any hidden star formation that is ongoing.

Year(s) participated: 2008



IRAC Monitoring of NGC 4051 for Interday Variability: Using the Spitzer Space Telescope for a 10 day infrared monitoring of the region around the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy NGC 4051 to help determine the dust distribution around it.

Year(s) participated: 2008

NITARP advocates

NITARP advocates

This virtual team consists of people who support NITARP in various ways.

Year(s) participated: 2008

Z Cha/Hoard and Howell

Z Cha/Hoard and Howell

Spitzer Light Curve of Z Cha: Using the Spitzer Space Telescope to monitor the infrared variability around the binary star system WZ Sge to try to characterize the dust distribution in the system.

Year(s) participated: 2008

We are at the AAS!