• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

Independent Research 2017

Independent Research 2017

This virtual team collects all independent research presented in 2017, and done by NITARP or Spitzer alumni with (or without) students outside of a formal NITARP team.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Thompson

    The more I talked with astronomers and support staff at the different booths [at my first AAS], the more I began to realize that being a teacher, and an amateur astronomer, is really very different from being a professional astronomer.

  • Donelson

    I am currently doing my unit in my Space Tech class on stellar evolution, and I have added about 2 more weeks of info/labs to this from all I have learned this year via my NITARP experience.  Although I knew the basics before, and have taught them for about 18 years, I feel like I'm teaching a whole new unit and can not only go deeper with my kids, but do it with much more passion.

  • Screen_shot_2013-03-15_at_8.47.44_pm

    I am fortunate to be able to employ my software-development skills for a program as worthy as NITARP. Its hard-working mentors and participant teachers inspire me to make an extra effort in creating the best software product possible. I have gained many interesting insights from interactions with users of my software.