Chelen Johnson
CephC-LABS (Looking For Baby Stars): continuing a study of the star-forming region Ceph C, exending into the longest wavelength data available.
My students were really impressed when I gave them just a summary of some of the stuff we did and saw [at the AAS]!
To me what stood out [at my first AAS] was the wide variety of work – from characterization of the structure of the Milky Way (more of a challenge than I ever knew!) to the search for and characterization of exoplanets to the understanding of how quasar evolution relates to the origins of the Universe.
My ideas about astronomy has changed significantly, thanks to NITARP. Quite simply, I didn't understand the role of archival data in modern astronomical research. Previously, I considered it an intellectual exercise, work suitable for a reference librarian, but not real research. I now know it to comprise the future of astronomy, and the very picture of MOST of tomorrow's scientific research.