• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

They Might Be Giants/Ciardi and Howell

They Might Be Giants/Ciardi and Howell

They Might Be Giants are using data from the Kepler mission to classify the brightness changes of giant stars in an effort to understand how the observed brightness variations of giant stars may relate to the different stages of giant star evolution.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Denise

    The best thing [of the Caltech trip] was working with the other participants and making progress as a team. My students were engaged and willing to be challenged.

  • Linahan

    I think the best thing about the trip was working with an actual research scientist (Luisa Rebull) at the Spitzer Science Center. This is a unique opportunity that not very many teachers and high school students get.

  • Curtis

    I think this [AAS] trip is a crucial part of the program. I learned so much about the many different telescopes, enjoyed the historical presentations, and found the exposure to the more specific research to be beneficial, even if I didn't understand that much about the research itself. It was also a great chance to meet scientists as well as other educators.