• IPAC
Cris DeWolf

Mr. Cris DeWolf

Cris DeWolf

Chippewa Hills High School, Remus, Michigan

Grades or community reached

11, 12


Mr. DeWolf was part of the 2008 class of the Spitzer Space Telescope Research Program for Teachers and Students.





  • I wanted to share this with you about one of the students I had on our team that explored star formation in Lynds dark nebulae (LDNs) [in 2008]. [He has since become involved with a big Air Force program at Michigan Tech in 2012.] [He] has often thanked me for getting him involved in NITARP research, having used that experience, in part, to get access to programs such as MTU's Aerospace Enterprise.

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We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!