• IPAC
Nancy Coster

Ms. Nancy Coster

Nancy Coster

Kankakee Valley High School, Wheatfield, Indiana

Grades or community reached

11, 12


Ms. Coster is in the NITARP 2018 class.




  • May 2023 updates for Ms. Coster
  • NITARP 2020 proposal review April 27, 2020

    Despite the global pandemic, many NITARP alumni helped us out with reviewing the NITARP 2020 proposals!  Scientists who helped include Tiffany Meshkat, Patrick Lowrance, Mike Werner, Seppo Laine, and Julian van Eyken. Thanks to all!

  • March 2019 updates for Ms. Coster March 20, 2019

    Ms. Coster and her team have been getting out and sharing their experience. This article is about the team's experiences in NITARP, and this article is about their presentation to the school board.

  • April 2018 updates for Ms. Coster May 3, 2018

    On April 20, Ms. Coster presented at DeMotte Elementary School Science Night, where she taught how stars are formed and how to identify constellations.

    On April 27, Ms. Coster and her team had a nice article printed about them.

We are at the AAS!