• IPAC

July-September 2006 updates for Ms. Weehler

Published: September 15, 2006

Ms. Weehler visited the SSC in July 2006 to work on two Spitzer projects, IC 2118 and M81. The IC2118 team's research was written up in Astronomy Magazine, Sept., 2006. The group is currently working on methods for making use of authentic data available to teachers.

Ms. Weehler has one student this year who is working on the project, with another slated for next year. She is in the process of designing the course for looking at the data now. Her student is currently learning the background of IR light and star formation.

Ms. Weehler will be presenting at the San Antonio Saturday Science and Math Conference on October 7. Her topic will be the Spitzer Teacher Research Program, emphasizing how real data can be used in classrooms. This is a well-attended regional conference, but she doesn't know how many will attend the session yet.

Ms. Weehler presents work from the Spitzer program periodically in all her Chemistry classes and updates it as they progress. She also has her student present.

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