• IPAC

March 2005 updates for Mr. Maranto

Published: March 15, 2005

On March 22, Mr. Maranto presented a workshop at the New Hampshire Science Teachers' Association's Elementary, Middle/Junior High, and High School Conference.

The title of his program was: "The Dirtiest, Smelliest, Coldest, and Farthest Places in the Universe, the Spitzer Space Telescope and Classroom Activities for Learning About Infrared Light."

Following a PowerPoint presentation covering the characteristics of infrared, the usefulness of infrared in astronomy, the instrumentation on Spitzer, and some Spitzer discoveries, they did a series of hands-on activities that were inspired by the Active Astronomy kit.

The 2025 NITARP application is now available! Go here for the instructions. Applications are due by 3pm Pacific time, Friday Sep 13, 2024. (NOTE: contingent on availability of funds and AAS travel!)