• IPAC

Summer "Visit" - 2020 - Spider Team

Our regular summer visit to Caltech was hijacked by COVID-19. So we did an online work week instead -- 4 days when all the participants on the team come together to work intensively on the data. Reload to see a different set of quotes.

The Spider Team worked June 22-25, 2020. The 4 core team educators attended, plus 12 students.


  • [student:] I ended up getting way farther along in the process than I expected. That’s what I appreciated about working in small groups. I found we worked together really well and asked each other for help if we needed it.
  • Astronomers don’t look at the stars. They look at their computers. Not that that’s a bad thing.
  • [student:] It definitely changed the way I look at astronomy. I guess I never really thought about what else the field had to offer besides looking through telescopes. Now that I’ve gotten a feel for some of the work, it definitely involves a lot of data analysis and paperwork, too.
  • [student: The best thing was] Being able to work with other people around the country and feeling the satisfaction of correctly working on data that I assumed I would not be able to understand.
  • [student:] This experience changed the way I thought about astronomy research because I did not think it was as digital as it is. I did not think it was going to be as much computer work.

Summer "Visit" - 2020 - Spider Team