• IPAC

Summer "Visit" - 2020 - Spider Team

Our regular summer visit to Caltech was hijacked by COVID-19. So we did an online work week instead -- 4 days when all the participants on the team come together to work intensively on the data. Reload to see a different set of quotes.

The Spider Team worked June 22-25, 2020. The 4 core team educators attended, plus 12 students.


  • [student:] Important qualities of an astronomer include willingness to be a team player because it is important to collaborate with others as well as present your findings to other people, willpower because it is difficult to get past some humps and bumps in astronomy but it's always important to stay straight ahead, and most importantly, the ability to accept your stupidity, there is always going to be an "I am crap" phase but it's important for that to happen so that you can ask questions and grow from that phase.
  • [student: The best thing was] Being able to work with other people around the country and feeling the satisfaction of correctly working on data that I assumed I would not be able to understand.
  • [student:] I ended up getting way farther along in the process than I expected. That’s what I appreciated about working in small groups. I found we worked together really well and asked each other for help if we needed it.
  • [student:] I feel like real astronomy is working with real data from the real world that no one has looked at or touched before. Throughout this entire process, I've felt like I have done real astronomy and have been making new, exciting discoveries that will contribute to humanity's understanding of the cosmos no matter how small that may be.
  • [student: The most surprising thing was] Probably just learning that I could actually DO stuff. I was expecting that I'd be lost the whole time and not do any actual work but it was pretty easy for me to pick up on everything.

Summer "Visit" - 2020 - Spider Team