• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

High-z/Rudnick and Finn and Desai

High-z/Rudnick and Finn and Desai

Star Formation in High Redshift Clusters with Spitzer: Combining Spitzer Space Telescope imaging with other ground and space based measurements to trace the evolution of star formation in galaxy clusters of differing masses.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Novatne

    I really feel that NITARP is a gem of a program.

  • Laura

    My students now see themselves as capable of more than they had before but more importantly see themselves has having a future in the world they saw through the program. Attending the AAS is an important culmination of the experience that ties the importance of science research together and offers an important glimpse into a world of possibilities for students.

  • Odden

    High school students are hungry for authentic research experiences, and both high school teachers and students benefit immensely from having contact with a professional astronomer. This may seem inefficient (because it costs a lot of money to connect individuals with professionals), but it can change lives, and there are wonderful ripple effects.