• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

Cold Spotz/Chary

Cold Spotz/Chary

Cold Spotz: Using the submillimeter wavelength all-sky map generated by the Planck satellite to classify 4000 previously unidentified radio sources into the following categories: extragalactic radio sources, star-forming galaxies, stars within a dust shell, cold stellar cores, or asteroids.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Senson

    Every time we meet or talk or work on the project I feel just a little bit more knowledgeable, skilled and, perhaps most importantly, confident in what I know and can do...

  • Rutherford

    It’s addictive—this is not like any other program that you have ever been through, where you participate for a while and then finish up and then it’s just something that you did once. I have found that I don’t want to stop[...] A certain percentage of us, at least, can’t put this down once we are exposed to it.

  • Rutherford

    I will definitely be using the skills and the knowledge that I acquired in the NITARP program in the future for my own and for my future students’ research.