• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

High-z/Rudnick and Finn and Desai

High-z/Rudnick and Finn and Desai

Star Formation in High Redshift Clusters with Spitzer: Combining Spitzer Space Telescope imaging with other ground and space based measurements to trace the evolution of star formation in galaxy clusters of differing masses.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Mccarron

    Attended Kepler announcement of the new planets. Later that day teachers who were actually teaching in my high school e-mailed me to tell me about the planets just discovered. I had to tell them I'd known about that for hours. I was there at the announcement by the scientists involved.

  • Robert

    Real astronomy is very exciting! I was not expecting to have to solve problems in excel the way we did. We were asked to answer simple questions or develop simple graphs at times but in order to get correct results (as far as we can tell) our team had to parse our skills and play with logic. I remember creating my first SED: I became so excited I could not sit down anymore. Another teacher was so thrilled they raised their hands and yelled in excitement. It was the first time we had results; it was a thrill.

  • Doyle

    For me, [this project] was a real partnership between scientists and educators. All questions and suggestion were taken seriously and with respect.