• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson



CM4Seyferts (Color-Magnitude for Seyferts): Using ultraviolet images from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite and optical images and spectra from the ground based Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to find a correlation between the color and luminosity of the hot gas around supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Donelson

    I just wanted to let you know that this 38 year veteran teacher believes [NITARP] is one of the greatest types of professional development I have ever done, and MANY students will benefit from your hard work here in Central Ohio for years to come.  Thanks so much for all your efforts, especially this year!

  • Laura

    I saw kids rise to a challenge and meet it – they learned a lot from the process, each other, and the experience – in ways they could not get in a regular classroom setting at home.

  • Screen_shot_2013-03-15_at_6.31.05_pm

    It was very special to be in the room when the announcement of planet Kepler 10b (an estimated 1.4 X the size of the Earth) was discovered. I turned to my student Inga and asked, "How does it feel to be one of the first people on planet Earth to know about this discovery?" She replied, "I never thought of it like that ... it's pretty cool."