• IPAC


Arp 102B/Chary

Arp 102B/Chary

Using Spitzer Space Telescope infrared spectra to detect the structure around the supermassive black hole at the center of the active galaxy Arp 102B.

Year(s) participated: 2005

Brown Dwarfs/ Howell and Hoard

Brown Dwarfs/ Howell and Hoard

Detecting Brown Dwarfs in Interacting Cataclysmic Binaries: Using Spitzer Space Telescope infrared images to determine whether the companion of the remnant star EE Eri (a white dwarf) is in fact a very low-mass object (sometimes called 'failed star') known as a brown dwarf.

Year(s) participated: 2005



AGN Spectral Energy Distributions of GLAST Telescope Network Program Objects: Combining data from the Gamma-Ray Large Area Telescope (GLAST) and infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope and ground based optical measurements from amateur astronomers to determine the emission mechanisms from around a supermassive black hole in a nearby galaxy.

Year(s) participated: 2005

IC 2118/Rebull

IC 2118/Rebull

Young Stars in IC 2118: Using Spitzer Space Telescope infrared images to find newly forming stars in the Witch Head nebula (IC2118) and using optical data to determine their masses and ages and to see their relationship to the interstellar medium and to other similar star forming regions.

Year(s) participated: 2005

Iron Stars/Howell and Hoard

Iron Stars/Howell and Hoard

Observing Iron Stars with Spitzer: Using Spitzer Space Telescope images to characterize dust around two stars with unusual iron signatures in their optical spectra.

Year(s) participated: 2005

M81/Gorjian and Feldmeier

M81/Gorjian and Feldmeier

Intergalactic Star Formation in Tidal Dwarf Galaxies of M81: Using Spitzer Space Telescope images to study the dust emission from stars formed in the debris tail of the galaxy M81.

Year(s) participated: 2005

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!