• IPAC

Other resources for educators from NASA and elsewhere

We have another page that lists all the programs we know of that get real astronomy data into the hands of teachers and students. This is a list of opportunities/resources that are maybe one step removed from diving right into FITS files .. these may be more suitable for teachers of K-6 students, for example. Please send us any corrections or additions.

Listing of Listings of Resources

E-mail lists

(e.g., get a periodic mailing with opportunities and resources)

Citizen Science with Ready-to-Use Curriculum

(e.g., web-based interface to data, AND you can pick it up and use it RIGHT NOW without additional training.)

Online activities, labs, etc.

  • NASA Space Place
  • PhET, from the University of Colorado Boulder. Interactive simulations (much more than just astronomy).

Other resources

(e.g., useful, but may require your own curriculum development)

  • Astronomy Picture of the Day - by NASA; includes explanatory text daily.
  • AstroBites -- summaries of current research papers written for the undergraduate level.
  • Organize your own star party! There are amateur astronomy clubs all over the world. The Night Sky Network has a list of the clubs and their public events. Contact a club near you, and they might be able to bring telescopes to your school for a star party in the evening at your school.

Teacher Workshops

(e.g., training opportunities)

Beyond just astronomy

(still including astronomy!)

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!