• IPAC

January 2006 updates for Ms. Dowdy

Published: January 15, 2006

Ms. Dowdy attended the January 2006 AAS meeting in Washington D.C.. In Washington, she learned the background information and a good overview of what her group's proposal would involve. In addition, her team divided responsibilities for the proposal and the work ahead. However, out of all the details of galaxy evolution and the methods for determining star formation rates, the thing that stood out for her was the basic question behind her project: If the laws of physics are the same everywhere in the universe, why do galaxies not all look alike? This is a question Ms. Dowdy had never before considered.

At AAS, she attended several sessions (she focused on things related to galaxies) to add to what she had learned in the Spitzer sessions. In addition, Ms. Dowdy spent a great deal of time looking through the exhibits and talking with representatives of organizations with outreach aimed at high school teachers and students. This summer, she plans to go back and look at the notes she made in depth, to determine ways to enhance her teaching next school year.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!