Published: December 15, 2006
Mr. Devore currently has a Research in Science student who is creating and comparing color magnitude diagrams of NGC 6791 from HST with color-color diagrams from Spitzer IRAC images.
On Sep 21st, Mr. Devore gave a presentation on his groups's research to three Astronomy Dept faculty at Fayetteville State University and to a half dozen interested members of the public (high school students, college students, and parents). The presentation followed an open house at the FSU observatory.
On Sep 30th, Mr. Devore gave a 15 minute presentation at the Fall Conference of the North Carolina Section American Association of Physics Teachers and NC Astronomical Association. Approximately 50 people attended, including both physics and astronomy professors, as well as a few high school teachers. His topic was "Astronomy Research at Cape Fear High School". Included in the presentation was an overview of his team's Spitzer project and its findings. After the meeting, an astonomy/physics professor from Meredith College (Raleigh, NC) approached Mr. Devore and asked him to assist in setting up an Astronomy research course at Meredith. Mr. Devore met with the professor in October and taught him how to use image processing software. Mr. Devore advised him about the curriculum, software, textbooks, and suggested some possible student projects and class projects. He has enrolled five students in the course for the spring semester. In mid-January, Mr. Devore will be meeting with his students to train them on software they will need for one of their class projects.