Published: December 15, 2005
In early December 2005, Ranga-Ram Chary provided Mr. Devore with clean spectral data from the Spitzer IRS observations of ARP102B. During December, Dr. Chary guided him through the process of analyzing the spectral lines, measuring velocity offsets, fitting Gaussian curves, and measuring line fluxes. They measured and calculated diagnostic line ratios and analyzed spectral energy distributions. After completing the spectral analysis, Mr. Devore created a poster for the January 2006 AAS Convention in Washington DC. Concurrently, Dr. Chary drafted an article on their findings for the Astrophysical Journal.
Key findings from their analysis included: 1) discovery of double peaked molecular hydrogen lines, indicative of a ring of molecular H2 orbiting the supermassive blackhole at a distance of ~ 1 parsec. 2) completing the total spectral energy distribution for ARP 102B's nucleus by creating the missing component -- the IR energy distribution. 3) Using diagnostic line ratios and the total SED to build a strong case for the underlying energy production mechanisms in this AGN.