• IPAC

March 2018 updates for Ms. Morgan

Published: April 1, 2019

Ms. Morgan writes to share that her students extended the NITARP project to another portion of the Cepheus cloud:

Great news! My students were excited to share this with you and wanted me to be sure to thank you for everything they've learned, but most especially everything they've been able to apply on their own. This is a testament to me how much impact NITARP can have! Thank you!

"Ms. Morgan's students used the skills and resources they learned through NITARP to complete their own project using IRSA tools to study young stellar objects. They won first place in the Physics and Astronomy category at the Southern Utah Science and Engineering Fair and were top finalists winning an all expense paid trip to participate in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Phoenix, AZ".

March 2018 updates for Ms. Morgan