• IPAC

March 2006 updates for Mr. Chun

Published: March 15, 2006

Mr. Chun worked with his eighteen physics 2 students on their RBSE projects. They entered RBSE posters into the school-wide science fair held during the first week of February. They are now getting their RBSE papers ready for submission by April 1. Mr. Chun gave a short presentation to his physics 2 class about his AAS meeting experience and infrared astronomy in general. Mr. Chun, along with Linda Stefaniak and Beth Thomas, is working towards making their Spitzer project into a stand-alone teaching package/module. He also presented the student's RBSE research to members of his high school's visiting NEASC accreditation committee (March 5, 2006) as evidence of authentic science research and inquiry. The accreditation committee members were duly impressed.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!