• IPAC

May 2017 updates for Mr. Palmer

Published: May 15, 2017

Mr. Palmer is now a full time graduate student at the University of Minnesota. He writes:

I am currently working on several fronts:
1) Impacts of Informal Astronomy Programs on Participants STEM Voice, Motivation, and Interest in pursuing careers in STEM fields.
2) As part of the MN STeLLA project, which focuses on a videocase-based, analysis-of-practice model of STEM teacher professional development (PD), I am investigating its impacts on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), teacher learning, and student learning.
3) I am also part of the STEM integration project, Engr TEAMS, with the goal of increasing grade 4-8 student learning of science concepts, as well as mathematical concepts related to data analysis and measurement, by using an engineering design-based approach to teacher professional development and curricular development.       


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