February 2010 update for Ms. Borders
Published: February 15, 2010
Ms. Borders writes:
- I presented a poster at the January AAS meeting focusing on Infrared Astronomy and Teacher Professional Development for WISE.
- My students have become passionately interested in astronomy and aerospace research. Although not directly related to Spitzer, but more as a result of being inspired in math and science due to Spitzer, my students designed an investigation to be flown on a sounding rocket out of White Sands. Their proposal was accepted! We were one of the few middle schools. Six students traveled to White Sands last May and launched the experiment. They analyzed the results and presented their findings at our NASA kick-off event in Sept 2009.
- Dr. Michelle Thaller conducted an Infrared Astronomy Community lecture last year with over 300 attendees.
- I led my NASA team of teachers (four of us) in developing and presenting an infrared astronomy workshop at Arecibo Observatory in July 2009. 25 teachers from Puerto Rico participated in the full day workshop. A University of Puerto Rico physics professor also brought five of his pre-service teachers. I sent the evaluations to Darlene Yen with WISE.
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