• IPAC

January 2014 updates for Ms. Sartore

Published: January 27, 2014

Ms. Sartore writes:

I have been working with a Heliophysics Community of Practice based out of UC Berkeley and JHU/APL since last spring. It's a fun group to work with. (NITARP alums Lynn Powers and Laura Orr are both in it. So far, everything we have done has been virtual (because we weren't allowed to travel last summer).  Nancy Alima Ali, Andi Nelson, and Dawn Turney have done a great job pulling in scientists to talk to us about their missions. Other than that, our last bit of big news was when our PRHS Astronomy Team got invited to the Atlantis rollover at KSC in November 2011.  


We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!