• IPAC

October-December 2008 updates for Ms. Borders

Published: December 15, 2008

Kareen Borders and her middle school students are engaged in learning about AGN. Her students will be analyzing data and preparing to present at next year's AAS meeting.

Kareen led a district-wide in-service for K-8 teachers in January. She focused on scientific research, alignment of curriculum with national standards, and strategies for motivating students to engage in astronomical research. Many of the Spitzer and WISE resources were used during this workshop.

Kareen also developed and led a NASA Celebration on December 2, 2009. This event was attended by 500+ students and staff as well as over 100 invited VIP guests. Dr. Michelle Thaller was the keynote speaker and kept students and adults enthralled with new discoveries of Spitzer. In addition, Kareen arranged for Dr. Thaller to give an all-school assembly at neighboring middle school. Finally, Kareen also partnered with Galaxy Theatres in Gig Harbor to offer a free community lecture in the evening that featured Dr. Thaller. The theatre was full to capacity as attendees from the region learned about the discoveries of Spitzer.

In addition, Kareen's school will be participating in a downlink with the International Space Station on January 21, 2009. We are expecting over 1000 attendees. Our partnership with Spitzer will be highlighted during this event.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!