• IPAC

June-July 2005 updates for NITARP

Published: July 15, 2005

  • The data for two objects of the "Detecting Brown Dwarfs in Interacting Cataclysmic Binaries" project has been archived and released. Teachers and two students visited the Spitzer Science Center to work on data analysis with contact scientist Dr. Don Hoard of the Spitzer Science Center and Dr. Steve Howell of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). The visit was a great success for all.
  • The data for the "Supermassive Blackhole in ARP102B" project has been archived and released. Teachers and four students visited the Spitzer Science Center to work on data analysis with contact scientist Dr. Ranga Chary. The visit was a great success for all.
  • The "AGN Spectral Energy Distributions of GLAST Telescope Network Program Objects" completed the second of two observations of the target 4C 29.45 (Ton 599) using the IRAC instrument. Also during June, the data for both sets of observations from IRAC and MIPS was posted for downloading.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!