• IPAC

July-September 2006 updates for Mr. Taylor

Published: September 15, 2006

Mr. Taylor has used parts of the Infrared Astronomy kit available through the ASP in his classroom in their study of the electromagnetic spectrum.

In August, Mr. Taylor attended the Space Physics workshop sponsored by the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He was able to give a 1 hour powerpoint presentation on his team's research and the capabilities of the Spitzer Space Telescope to the workshop. There were 30 teachers in attendance.

In September, Mr. Taylor attended a Science inservice of the Anchorage School District. He gave a 1 hour power point presentation to a group of 32 secondary science teachers. In addition he gave them a CD of lessons related to infrared astronomy.

Mr. Taylor plans to give a presentation about Spitzer at the Math Science conference for Alaska.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!