• IPAC

September-December 2006 updates for Mr. Spuck

Published: December 15, 2006

Mr. Spuck formed the 2006 OCHS Spitzer Team. This group includes six students who have been using MaxIm DL to look at each of the 400+ potential YSO's to determine if they are likely galaxies, as well as measuring R mag for each object. This work will help them better plan the observing run for Palomar. In addition the students have been working on tricolor images of IC 2118.

Mr. Spuck gave a presentation at the Amateur Astronomy Association of Pittsburgh meeting entitled "The Spitzer Space Telescope and Infrared Astronomy" This presentation was made at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh

Mr. Spuck also gave a presentation at Astroblast 2006 (Regional Star Party) - Monitoring NEW T-Tauri Candidates - A Research Opportunity for Students and Amateurs". This presentation was made at the Oil Region Astronomical Observatory in Venango County, Pennsylvania.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!