• IPAC

April-June 2007 updates for Mr. Spuck

Published: June 15, 2007

The Oil City High School Spitzer Research Team has been using their data from Kitt Peak Observatory to look for H-alpha emissions from potential T-tauri targets in IC2118. The group has also been meeting in preparation for their visit to the Spitzer Science Center at the end of July. Since Spitzer funds were not available, it is important to note that the four students coming out are so committed to working with the project that they are paying their own way just to be part of this valuable educational experience.

Students in Mr. Spuck's space science classes have been using a C-14 robotic telescope at Perth Observatory to monitor several T-tauri candidates in IC2118. They presented the results of their research as part of their final exam in June.

Mr. Spuck worked with Luisa Rebull to prepare for his visit and work experience at the Spitzer Science Center in July.

The Oil City High School Spitzer Research Team met for 7 hours to work on the project and to jump-start the CoolWiki.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!