Published: March 15, 2006
Ms. Sepulveda has altered her curriculum to incorporate infrared light activities (particularly from the IR teaching kit) in appropriate units of study in Physics and Earth Science. She and Cynthia Wheeler are working with their students to become more proficient at interpreting color-color plots. They have been comparing different color-color plots to see if the same stars are present in the same relative positions. They want to become more adept at distinguishing stars in one class from another and are also trying to see if we can identify the stars based on their SED's.
The two students currently involved in the project with Ms. Sepulveda (Andrew Hughes and Nikhil Sharma) will be graduating this June and will probably not participate any further. She has discussed the project informally with a couple of students who have expressed interest in it. These students are juniors in her physics class.
Ms. Sepulveda has altered her curriculum to incorporate infrared light activities (particularly from the IR teaching kit) in appropriate units of study in Physics and Earth Science including: Electromagnetic spectrum, Spectroscopy, Optics, and Stellar evolution.