• IPAC

September-December 2006 updates for Ms. Sepulveda

Published: December 15, 2006

Ms. Sepulveda added several new sections to the Spitzer Student Handbook. These sections include student background information on the IC2118 project, low-mass star formation, color-color diagrams, spectral energy distributions and working with MaxIm DL.

She proposed a new, year-long astronomy course for Lincoln High School. An important component of this course will be student research projects. The course was approved by her school board and will be offered next year.

Ms. Sepulveda started working on the Spitzer project with a new student, Esseim Sharma. Esseim was one of her physics students last year. He is currently a junior and plans to enroll in the Astronomy course next year. Esseim has worked through most of the sections of the Spitzer Student Handbook and has become familiar with both the IC2118 and M81 projects. He has learned how to make tri-color images and is now learning how to make color-color diagrams. Esseim is currently working on a proposal for a science project he can enter in the science fair. He would like to be involved in the long-term I, R, V, B, U and H-alpha observations some of the candidates using remote telescopes.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!