• IPAC

April-June 2007 updates for Ms. Sepulveda

Published: June 15, 2007

Ms. Sepulveda has been working on the curriculum for the new research-based astronomy class being offered at Lincoln High School this fall. She submitted a small grant proposal and was awarded 7 more classroom computers. This brings the total to 15 computers which will allow her astronomy students to utilize the computers on a daily basis if needed. Ms. Sepulveda also purchased an image processing program for the school. She is currently working through the modules to become familiar enough with the program to teach the students in the fall. They will be doing research projects as part of the course. Ms. Sepulveda and her student, Esseim Sharma, are waiting to hear from Tim Spuck (the IC 2118 team leader) to make plans for long term observations of several of the stars in the nebula.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!