• IPAC

July-September 2008 updates for Ms. Sepulveda

Published: September 15, 2008

Babs Sepulveda and her students from Lincoln High School (LHS) attended the SSC in August to analyze data for the NGC 4051 project. Prior to their visit the students helped collect optical data for the project using the remote access telescope at New Mexico Skies. During their visit team members learned how to use the Aperature Photometry Tool to measure the brightness of the AGN and reference stars. The students divided the data into sets in order to complete the photometry measurements at the SSC.

Since their visit the students have been meeting after school on a weekly basis to continue their analysis. They have finished calculating the average brightness and the brightness ratios for each image. They are currently preparing to generate light curves.

Mrs. Sepulveda has recruited several new students to work on research projects. They have been meeting after school to learn about Spitzer. They have learned how to use the APT photometry tool and are currently working on verifying the data analysis done by the first team. In addition, Mrs. Sepulveda is working on the education poster the team hopes to present at the January AAS.

The application period is now closed for NITARP 2025. We will release our selection for the 2025 class at the 2025 January AAS.