• IPAC

October-December 2008 updates for Ms. Sepulveda

Published: December 15, 2008

Mrs. Sepulveda and her students from Lincoln High School (LHS) attended the SSC in August to work on data analysis for the NGC 4051 project. Since their visit, several new students have joined the research team. New student researchers include Brian Remlinger, Daniel Keen, and Daniel Wu. Former team members Amanda Taylor and Nidhi Tiyyagura have pursued other academic and extracurricular interests and are no longer participating in the project. The LHS research team met after school to continue with the data analysis. They reformatted the spreadsheet and generated light curves for the visible and IR bands. Mrs. Sepulveda, with the help of team members, put together the education poster for the project. The poster was presented at the Long Beach AAS on Wednesday, January 7th. Now that the AAS is over the LHS team plans to continue work on the project. Our goal is to do new photometry measurements in the optical bands and IR bands to verify our previous results.

In addition, the students spent most of their winter break (including Christmas and New Year's Eve!) collecting data using the remote telescope at New Mexico Skies Observatory. The students collected optical images of IC 1396 using R, V, IR and H alpha filters. The data will contribute to a study of IC 1396.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!