• IPAC

August 2012 updates for Ms. Sartore

Published: August 15, 2012

Ms. Sartore writes :

I just got back from the RBSP (Radiation Belt Storm Probes) workshop, which was great. Yesterday morning we were sharing different things with one another; my intention was to present a couple of cool things my students love (the sound bite, and beaming music via laser)  and put in a plug for NITARP   One of the teachers mentioned APT, so I showed everybody a bit of the presentation Kaelyn & I did at the museum.  Stacy DeVeau was there, too, from one of the other teams.  I pulled up her poster, and ours, and the two of us took a bit of time talking about it all.  Before we did that (looking at the group) I had only expected to hand out 5 or 10 of the NITARP brochures.  Once Stacy & I were done, 25 of the 31 teachers asked for brochures.  (yikes!)

I also spent 2 weeks in a workshop to update Earth Science connections.  I got certified in the GLOBE program, which leans heavily on NOAA data.  I'll be inaugurating the reconstituted Honors Earth/Space Science for 9th graders. 

She plans to spread the word about NITARP to more educators soon.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!