• IPAC

August 2012 updates for Ms. Sartore

Published: August 15, 2012

Ms. Sartore writes :

I just got back from the RBSP (Radiation Belt Storm Probes) workshop, which was great. Yesterday morning we were sharing different things with one another; my intention was to present a couple of cool things my students love (the sound bite, and beaming music via laser)  and put in a plug for NITARP   One of the teachers mentioned APT, so I showed everybody a bit of the presentation Kaelyn & I did at the museum.  Stacy DeVeau was there, too, from one of the other teams.  I pulled up her poster, and ours, and the two of us took a bit of time talking about it all.  Before we did that (looking at the group) I had only expected to hand out 5 or 10 of the NITARP brochures.  Once Stacy & I were done, 25 of the 31 teachers asked for brochures.  (yikes!)

I also spent 2 weeks in a workshop to update Earth Science connections.  I got certified in the GLOBE program, which leans heavily on NOAA data.  I'll be inaugurating the reconstituted Honors Earth/Space Science for 9th graders. 

She plans to spread the word about NITARP to more educators soon.

The 2025 NITARP application is now available! Go here for the instructions. Applications are due by 3pm Pacific time, Friday Sep 13, 2024. (NOTE: contingent on availability of funds and AAS travel!)