• IPAC

March 2011 updates for Ms. Roelofsen

Published: March 15, 2011

Ms. Roelofsen has been working on two grants this month; one for a portable planetarium (STARLAB) and the other for a renewal of her PISCES Interdistrict Grant (with two other districts). The first grant would allow her to select several students leaders and train them to use the planetarium for presentations. These are the same students leaders that will join her in Pasadena and become data analysis 'experts' with the Spitzer data. If at least one of the grants are accepted, it will help her to share the Spitzer data with other students in other school districts!

She also has planned a trip to Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center in Boston for her PISCES students (which includes a pool of PISCES student leaders from three different school districts). She would like to familiarize them with satellite-based observatories as well as non-visual wavelength astronomical data. The trip will be April 22, 2005.

Future Plans

Ms. Roelofsen and Ms. Sullivan will offer training seminars for teachers as well as Professional Development on light, astronomy, Spitzer etc., next year. Ms. Roelofsen is planning several workshops for elementary and middle school teachers in September 2005

Ms. Roelofsen will be presenting several workshops to middle school teachers within the district (ever the course of the entire year). These workshops will be about heat, Infrared Astronomy and space in general. She will delay presentations at AAS and NSTA until all of the data for the M81 project is in. In terms of the IC 2118 project, she will try to attend the AAS meeting in January so that she can be a part of the Educational and Scientific Poster presentations there.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!