• IPAC

July-September 2007 updates for Dr. Loughran

Published: September 15, 2007

Students Matt Pellegrino and Vinay Patel finished their paper, "Star Formation Rate in Three High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters: A Contribution to the Study of Galactic Evolution", and published it in the 2007 Edition of the RBSE Journal. Matt went on to attend the University of Chicago, and Vinay, the University of Michigan.

Two additional students from the Saint Joseph's High School Research Community have picked up the mantle and will begin to work with the same cluster data this year.

Interest in the Spitzer project has complemented and enhanced other NOAO outreach projects, notably the variable star project with data taken remotely through the New Mexico Skies Observatory. See a teacher/student presentation of work they did this summer at the University of Notre Dame at http://leptoquark.hep.nd.edu/%7Etloughran/Variable%20Star%20Presentation.ppt.pps.

Preparations are underway to present a multiwavelength astronomy module at Science Spooktakular!, and to submit a poster to the Winter 2008 AAS meeting.

We have arranged to make multiwavelength viewing of the sun (visible and H-alpha) available outside of a NASA visualization mobile unit which will be parked outside a local high school for three days in October. Images will be available soon!

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!