• IPAC

July-September 2008 updates for Ms. Kelly

Published: September 15, 2008

Susan Kelly and her students attended the analysis meeting at the Spitzer Science Center in Pasadena in mid-August. Varoujan Gorjian, the lead astronomer for the team, presented a comprehensive review of the project. Students and teachers were presented with a disk containing the team's NGC 4051 visible and infrared light data. Instruction on Aperture Photometry Tool, a software program designed by a member of the Spitzer Science Center, was presented. This software was designed to support student analysis of the visible and infrared data. Varoujan Gorjian also led a tour of the Jet Propulsion Lab. During this time students and teachers leaned about the history of the facility as well as current projects. One of the highlights of the tour included a trip to the "Mars Yard" where the function of the Mars Rover is tested.

Susan Kelly and her students left the August meeting well-prepared to continue the research project and her students returned from Pasadena with increased interest to pursue astronomy research. They have continued their work on the project during an after school astronomy research program and secondary school students from the surrounding community have joined this effort. Ms. Kelly's students have been working together on the analysis of the data. The students will share their findings with other team members via web conferences. Ms. Kelly gained access to software that will support analysis of archived data obtained from the Spitzer Space Telescope. She is developing a sequence of activities and demonstrations which will support the 7-12 use of archived Spitzer Space Telescope data.


"Seeing" the Infrared Light: Classroom Activities and Research Applications
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Conference
July 22, 2008
Hartford, Connecticut
(20 audience members)

Future Plans:

Ms. Kelly will present a hands-on workshop entitled "Seeing" the Infrared Light: Classroom Activities and Research Applications on October 27th at the annual Connecticut Science Teachers' Association conference.

The application period is now closed for NITARP 2025. We will release our selection for the 2025 class at the 2025 January AAS.