• IPAC

March 2006 updates for Ms. Herrold

Published: March 15, 2006

Ms. Herrold is preparing for her Spitzer work by reading the textbook that was sent to her, and working with 3 potential students who may be more directly involved with the research once they get further along. She is the educational lead for the proposal. Ms. Herrold is preparing for her first teacher workshop on March 26 (4.5 hours). She publicized the program through the Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association and her astronomy contacts. Ms. Herrold has also lined up 3 speaking events at astronomy groups and star parties and 2 teacher workshops so far.

Ms. Herrold's students in Advanced Astronomy have experimented with all the components of the SOFIA kit for 3 class periods. In addition, they developed two other experiments. On Saturday, March 25, they hosted a workshop, "Stalking the Infrared Universe", at their school (Grosse Pointe North High School, Grosse Pointe, MI). It was attended by 18 teachers from across southern Michigan. They ranged in teaching from 5th-9th grades, and 1 pre-service teacher also attended. Six were district teachers.

The workshop was from 9:30- 2:00, with lunch provided courtesy of the Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association, who also helped to publicize the workshop. Officer Mark Agnetti of the Grosse Pointe Woods Fire Department brought a thermal imaging camera and teachers used it for about an hour to do experiments of their own design. In addition, teachers rotated through 7 stations doing experiments with infrared light. All were provided with a CD of activities and images. The day concluded with a 45 minute planetarium presentation about infrared astronomy and the Spitzer Space Telescope. Four of Ms. Herrold's astronomy students helped out for the day.

The application period is now closed for NITARP 2025. We will release our selection for the 2025 class at the 2025 January AAS.