• IPAC

July 2006 updates for Ms. Hemphill

Published: July 15, 2006

During July, Rosa Hemphill and one student attended a workshop July 26-28 at the Spitzer Science Center to learn how to analyze the MIPS data taken for her group. On return, she submitted a PR article on the trip to their school and to local newspapers. The student who attended the Spitzer workshop with Mrs. Hemphill really benefited from the chance to work with the MIPS data and the opportunity to interact with the three astronomers who led the workshop (Drs. Greg Rudnick, Vandana Desai, and Rose Finn) and who were particularly helpful to students. She hopes to use Project data in her student research project. Both she and Mrs. Hemphill will work together to analyze the MIPS data from two additional clusters when they become available. The most beneficial outcomes of the workshop for Mrs. Hemphill were the suggestions for how students could use the Spitzer in inquiry activities or research projects.

Ms. Hemphill also completed the registration and session submission for presenting a workshop on infrared activities at the Oregon Science Teacher Association conference in October, 2006, in Roseberg, Oregon.

We're back from the Jan 2025 AAS and we had a grand time!